Tuesday September 10 -- games will play as scheduled.
Please check you schedule before game time.
Minor changes have been made to the U8B2 schedule
ChangesChanges have been made to the U14G2, U9G3, U8G1 schedules
Minor changes have been made on
U12G2, U12G3, U12B2, U12B3 schedules.
We are short on fields, so please try and play your schedule.
If you must reschedule, requesting coach is responsible for contacting opposing coach.
Coaches are responsible for submitting 3 or 4 different dates.
CYSL allows for approved reschedules to be submitted 96 hours in advance
Please do not request Wednesdays or Sundays
Thur August 22 - Season Start
Sat-Mon Aug 31 to Sept 2 - Labor Day Holiday
Sat Sept 28 - Limited Play (Rec Cup)
Sat. October 19 - Season Ends